Agfa SYNAPS synthetic paper donated to Turkey field hospitals
Mortsel, Belgium | March 20, 2023 12:00 AM CET
Following the devastating earthquake that hit southern and central Turkey, as well as northern and western Syria on February 6th and ensuing its aftershocks, a Belgian “B-Fast” team has set up a field hospital on the ground to help around 180 patients per day.
Working in the area has many challenges, including the fact that valuable patient information can often be lost in translation, but one patient form to tackle just this kind of problem has been created. Through its use, patient data can be quickly understood in all languages. This also makes it possible to transfer a patient from a Japanese to a Belgian team for example without the loss of relevant patient information.
Not only is this the first time the document is being used in a real-life situation, it is also printed on Agfa SYNAPS XM110 synthetic paper – a polyester synthetic paper that is resistant to water and tearing without lamination, it allows for double sided dry toner laser printing. Agfa has donated SYNAPS paper to B-Fast to help in this effort.
“I am happy that we were able to donate this material to B-Fast for use in their field hospital to support the great and essential work that they are currently doing,” said Agfa CEO Pascal Juéry. “We hope that this can in some way make a difference to the lives of both first responders and their patients,” added Mr. Juéry.
You can find out more about SYNAPS here.