With their spectral sensitivity extending up to the infrared range, Aviphot Pan negative films are capable of registering more details than films with conventional sensitivity.
The differences in spectral reflection between the various kinds of vegetation are greater and more visible on film in the spectral area between 700 and 740 nm.
The films penetrate better through haze and they even permit recording at sunset or sunrise. You can fly more often and stay in the air much longer: productivity goes up.
Avitone P1p-HR and P3p-HR
Negative acting, blue sensitive very high resolution films for making diapositives from black-and-white originals. Microfiche grain film suitable for copying high altitude films with extremely fine graininess. High scratch-resistance and secure film conveying in fast duplicatiors.
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Avitone P1p-HR and P3p-HR (609.14 KB)Avitone PD1p-OS and PD3p-OS
Orthochromatic continuous tone diapositive film suitable for copying medium to fine grain recording films. The film is suitable for use in the Open Skies project. The very accurate information and high definition are important for copying reconnaissance photographs.
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Avitone PD1p-OS and PD3p-OS (847.35 KB)