
Our highly trained consultants examine your current workflow, pinpoint inefficiencies and give recommendations that help you reach a higher return on investment.
Expert advice for printing companies

Our seasoned consultants help you identify and effectively integrate the latest technology into your workflow. They start off with a complete analysis of your printing business, including materials, task assignment, production processes and customer relationships.

The analysis results in custom reports. These pinpoint areas of your workflow and give recommendations. JDF advice helps you to streamline production, for example. And color management consultancy increases the predictability of your images throughout your workflow.

Get in touch


  • Thorough workflow analysis
  • Strategic approach to workflow technology
  • Implementation of better Color Management or JDF
  • System integration


Complete Workflow Analysis

Agfa experts examine each component of your workflow from the front-end, through production and product delivery, to help determine its strengths and weaknesses. A custom report is built to help you plan for new technology and assess its value within your workflow.

JDF Consultancy

Do you need a more streamlined production workflow? And a better system of communication between departments and with clients? JDF consultancy provides a complete analysis of the benefits that JDF offers to your printing workflow.

Color Management Systems Consultancy

Managing colors reliably is one of the biggest challenges in the printing and publishing workflow. Color management systems consultancy helps you understand the automated processes that provide predictable images throughout your workflow, no matter which equipment and media are used to create them.
