At Agfa-Gevaert’s Annual General Meeting, the 2020 financial statements, the remuneration report, the remuneration policy, the allocation of the result and the discharge of directors and auditor were approved.
During the meeting, Mr. Christian Reinaudo, was reappointed as a non-executive director of the Company for a four-year period.
Finally, the General Meeting resolved, in accordance with article 7:151 of the Code of Companies and Associations, to approve the change-of-control provisions, as stipulated in the Facility Agreement dated March 5, 2021, with BNP Paribas, Fortis SA/NV, ING Belgium SA/NV, KBC Bank NV and Belfius Bank SA/NV on the one hand and Agfa-Gevaert NV on the other hand.
(end of message)
Viviane Dictus
Director Corporate Communication
T +32 3 444 7124