Chemical Analytical labs


Inorganic analysis with Sample Preparations

We have broad experience in bulk and trace element analysis in both, solid and liquid samples (Cation and Anion analysis by Ion chromatography, ICP, XRD, (WD)XRF and micro-XRF, aqueous and non-aqueous titrations) in combination with sample preparation techniques for various applications.

Organic Separation Techniques and Sample Preparations

Our chromatographic and other separation techniques (TLC, LC, GC [DHS], GPC [SEC], SPE, SPME, …) apply to gaseous, solid or liquid samples, dispersions, emulsions, polymers and other materials. Depending on the material we can choose from a broad range of appropriate detectors (MS, DAD, RI, ELSD, CAD, Fluorescence, electrochemical, triple-SEC, FTIR, NMR). Preparative chromatography can also be applied for product and material analysis (reversed engineering). Our decade-long experience in sample preparation covers a wide range of materials, especially papers, polymer films, multilayered coatings or chemical coating or processing solutions.

Organic Spectroscopy and Structure Elucidation

Spectroscopy (MS, NMR, UV/VIS/NIR) and micro-spectroscopy (UV/VIS, FTIR, Raman, XRF, SEM-EDX) methods are applied as such or coupled with chromatographic techniques (GC, LC, TLC) that elucidate molecular structures of low and high molecular weight compounds (polymers) and formulations or materials, eventually at micron scale. Many special techniques, measurement cells and sampling accessories are available for dedicated experiments (mapping, imaging [FTIR-FPA], micro-ATR, DOSY-NMR etc.). The services range from rapid acquisition of chromatograms and/or spectra for interpretation by the customer (open access) to full problem solving with full interpretation and completed reports. The analytical expertise covers virtually all areas of chemical research and chemical production and we are countinuously involved in projects aiming at improvement of synthesis, process and production steps. Investigation of functional coatings in close cooperation with our other analytical labs (PHYS, OMT and HTT departments) is a core competence.


  • Material characterization: material design, composition, number of layers, and distribution of chemicals in layers down to micron scale
  • Root cause analysis of failures in products or production processes by applying the combined internal and external expertise ([FPA]-FTIR, μ-XRF, [WD]XRF, SEM-EDX, TEM, Microscopy, Raman, PyGC/MS, ToF-Sims, D-Sims, XPS, AFM, etc.)
  • Characterization, purity determination, quantification of chemicals and formulations
  • Quantitative determination of binders and pigments in materials
  • Quantitative determinations of compounds and qualitative and quantitative (trace) elemental analysis in solid samples, materials, emulsions, dispersions, inks and liquid solutions
  • Identification and structure elucidation of unknown compounds in wide range of samples via MS and MS coupled with HPLC, GC and TLC
  • Quantifications of VOC’s via GC (incl. thermo-desorption, dynamic headspace GC and air monitoring)
  • Fast Screening MS for product quality, purity and structure confirmation or elucidation
  • Determination of exact molecular mass via high-resolution mass spectrometry
  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis in various matrices by HPLC/MS, HPLC/MSn and HPLC/MS/TOF
  • Pyrolysis and TDS (thermo-desorption) with GCMS for thermal behavior of substances, coatings in combination with other thermal methods (TGA, DSC, TGA-MS)
  • Fingerprinting of complex mixtures, formulations and coatings in order to quickly address batch to batch variability
  • Oligomer and polymer characterization: composition, end groups, monomer ratio’s, crosslink densities
  • In depth oligomer and polymer characterization (MW and chemical composition drift) with GPC (aqueous or non aqueous) and NMR via LC-NMR, SPE-NMR and DOSY NMR
  • Pulse Field Gradient NMR spectroscopy (DOSY) for in situ studies like adsorption, mixture and polymer analysis
  • Reaction monitoring (in situ or offline) for elucidation of reaction mechanisms
  • Surface and sub-surface analysis, via our network of external partners (XPS, TOF-SIMS, LA-ICPMS, ICP-MS, …)
  • Reversed Engineering of materials and fingerprinting of competitor materials
  • Analysis in patent infringement cases


  • X-ray based analytical methods: WD-XRF, Micro-XRF, XRD and HT-XRD (high temperature-XRD) or GA-XRD (grazing angle XRD)
  • ICP-OES and Ion Chromatography (anions, cations)
  • GC/MS coupling with quadrupole systems incl. acquisition of EI, PCI and NCI
  • GC DHS with cryo trap and other options for VOC characterization
  • Direct Exposure Probe MS and Direct Insert Probe MS with EI, PCI and NCI modes
  • HPLC/MS coupling with time of flight mass spectrometers for high-resolution MS
  • HPLC/APCI and HPLC/ESI ionization in combination with MS (quadupole), MSn (Iontrap) and TOF-MS (Time of Flight) with complementary UV-VIS and fluorescence detection
  • TLC/UV-VIS/MS Interface for direct measurements of separated compounds on TLC-Plates or other soluble components on surfaces
  • Thermodesorption- and Pyrolyse GCMS Interfaces
  • GPC (SEC) coupled with DAD and RI or triple-SEC detection for polymer characterization
  • FTIR (with microscopy, Focal Plane Array, Split Pea, ATR, HATR, micro ATR, Circle cell, Hot Stage,…) and Raman product identifications for QA/QC and research
  • 300, 400 and 600 MHz NMR spectrometers equipped with sample changers (Nuclei : 1H, 13C, 29Si, 31P, 15N, 19F, 11B; Probes: 10 mm broadband, 5 mm direct and triple indirect detection; specials: flow probe, diffusion probe, HR – MAS probe; Diffusion accessory – 1000 G/cm) HPLC/GPC-SPE-NMR set up
  • TLC-NMR for direct measurements of separated compounds on TLC plates
  • Surface analysis tools (XPS, TOF-SIMS, LA-ICPMS, ICP-MS, …) via our network of external partners

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