to enhance dispersion stability (case 17)
Enhance dispersion stability via surface modification?
For enhanced dispersion stability and color gamut of ink formulations with organic pigments, an improved dispersion stabilization technique was needed.
Pigment analysis and new technology
Under the lead of the chemical design group, the interactions of stabilizer molecules and the surfaces of organic pigments were systematically studied and analyzed. A wide range of analytical and optical characterization methods were applied and developed in the course of the pigment analysis.
Based on these findings, the Pigment Shielding Technology (PST) was developed. The heart of this technology is the combination of the pigment and the polymeric dispersant in such an optimized way that a polymeric shield is formed around the primary particles of the dispersed pigment.
Best-in-class dispersion stability
The Pigment Shielding Technology is applicable to almost all organic pigments and inorganic pigments, also to those which are typically very difficult to disperse. PST is also applicable to all types of dispersion media (ink solution carriers), including aqueous, solvent and curable pigment dispersions. Inkjet inks made from PST dispersions have narrow particle size distribution and belong to the best-in-class industrial inks for their dispersion stability and wide color gamut.
Looking for a pigment analysis or a surface modification? Our experts can improve dispersion stability or carry out any other pigment optimization for you.
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