of alternative chemical suppliers (case 10)
Where to find alternative chemical suppliers?
A customer used a very expensive raw material in his process. It was solely available from a particular EU manufacturer who had protected the product with an exclusive patent. When it came off patent, the customer asked the sourcing experts at AgfaLabs whether alternative chemical suppliers could be found.
Search in sourcing database
Starting from the chemical structure of the product and information on the production process, the sourcing experts started a search in the Agfa worldwide sourcing database in order to identify potential alternative (read: cheaper) chemical suppliers.
Several candidate manufacturers were identified and contacted. Two of them from outside of the EU were capable and willing to produce the required component.
Cheaper chemical supplier contracted
After contract negotiations, the customer could order the material from one of the two alternative chemical suppliers, according to the specifications and at a 30% cheaper price.
Also working with a raw material that’s coming off patent? Let us find alternative chemical suppliers in the Agfa sourcing database.
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