User Experience Design Ontology: User Characteristics

This part of the User Experience Design Ontology defines characteristics of the user that can influence the quality of the interactive experience.

Author(s): Coomans, Marc
Publisher: Agfa Healthcare


The URI of this ontology is: In the remainder of this document, we will assume that you import this vocabulary in your own document by associating the prefex "ux-u" with the above URI: xmlns:ux-e="". The concepts of this vocabulary can then be referenced with CURIEs (compact URIs) of the form ux-u:{resource name}.

Base classes:

Capability Related Characteristics

Visual Acuity Category (ux-u:VisualAcuityCat)

Visual acuity values:

Color vision (ux-u:ColorVision)

Color vision values:

Device Usage Characteristics


Posture (ux-u:Posture)

Posture values:

Reading Distance Category

Reading Distance Category(ux-u:ReadingDistanceCat):
The average distance between the user's eyes and the screen.

Eye-screen distance values: