User Experience Design Ontology: Application Characteristics

This part of the User Experience Design Ontology defines environmental characteristics that can influence the quality of man-machine interaction.

Author(s): Coomans, Marc
Publisher: Agfa Healthcare


The URI of this ontology is: In the remainder of this document, we will assume that you import this vocabulary in your own document by associating the prefex "ux-a" as follows: xmlns:ux-a="". The concepts of this vocabulary can then be referenced with CURIEs (compact URIs) of the form ux-a:{resource name}.

Base classes:

Application Interaction

Window Type

Window type (ux-a:WindowType)

Note: Windows typically have a border that support window management tasks (moving, resizing, closing), and have on information content that support domain tasks. The information content of an application is typically organised in pages between which the user can navigate. Page characteristics are defined later in this document.

Window type values:

Page type by purpose

In most productivity applications, the information content is organised in pages. The user can navigate from one page to another within the same or in different windows. Each page typically focuses on one specific user task, which represents the purpose of that page. The primary user task typically drives the choices for overall page organisation, layout and interaction. A page can additionally support multiple secondary tasks. Secondary tasks are typically given less visual attention.

Page purpose types:

Application Display Type

Application Display Type (ux-a:ApplicationDisplayType)

Application display type values: