@prefix owl: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix dce: . @prefix skos: . @prefix clisko: . @prefix humdis: . @prefix hyperten: . a owl:Ontology; dce:title """Hypertensive Disorder"""@en; dce:creator """Hans Cools, MD; Agfa Healthcare/Belgium"""@en; dce:publisher """Agfa Healthcare/Belgium"""@en; dce:description """Formal general description of hypertensive disorder."""@en; dce:format """OWL Full"""@en; rdfs:comment """Copyright (c) 2009 Agfa-Gevaert Group / Ghent University - IBBT/ELIS - Multimedia Lab All Rights Reserved THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF Agfa-Gevaert Group/ Ghent University - IBBT/ELIS - Multimedia Lab The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code."""@en. # # CLASSES # hyperten:HypertensiveDisorder a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:label """hypertensive disorder"""@en; rdfs:subClassOf humdis:CirculatorySystemDisorder. hyperten:EssentialHypertension a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:label """essential hypertension"""@en; rdfs:subClassOf hyperten:HypertensiveDisorder; skos:exactMatch [ a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme clisko:icd10; skos:notation "I10"^^clisko:icd10DT], [ a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme clisko:icd10; skos:notation "I10.9"^^clisko:icd10DT]. hyperten:BenignEssentialHypertension a rdfs:Class; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:label """benign essential hypertension"""@en; rdfs:subClassOf hyperten:EssentialHypertension; skos:exactMatch [ a skos:Concept; skos:inScheme clisko:sct20080731; skos:notation "1201005"^^clisko:sct20080731DT].