import UtilsN3, xml, PVa, LoadTree, GenerateDB, UtilsN3, string class Unify: # There are two possibilities for unification: # 1) unification is done on the level of sets of triples. # There is the "masterset" and the "slaveset". # Each triple of the masterset is matched against # each triple of the slaveset till a match is found. # No further matches will be tried within the slave tripleset, # thus this will not be pushed on the stack. # This permits the use of procedures with a case statement: # only the first match is executed and thus a sequencing # of instructions. # 2) unification is done on a level of triples. # Before the unification the module is optionally called. # This module will execute actions e.g. :a a owl:list will create a list. # A successfull unification without alternatives will then be returned. # Math builtins will make a calculation before the unification. # The module will optionally be called when two atoms are unified to # make a type check. # a dictionary for fast access to parts of the xml tree semDic = {} # the semantic tree semTree = xml.XmlTree("SemTree") # definition of logForAll, logForSome and logImplies logForAll = "" logForSome = "" logImplies = "" # the database generator generate = GenerateDB.GenerateDB() # a utils object utils = UtilsN3.Utils() def __init__(self): self.semTree.clearTree() # definitions for substitutions # a substitution is represented by a list of tuples. # The null substitution is just an empty list. # The first element of the tuple is to be substituted by the second element. # merge two substitutions: # this is simply done by adding the two lists. # apply a substitution to a tree. # Returns a tree. def applySubstitution(self, subst, tree): if len(subst) == 0: return tree else: applySubst = self.ApplySubstitution() applySubst.setSubstitution(subst) tree = tree.walkATree(tree, applySubst) return tree # apply a substitution to a tree. # take into account the level of inferencing # Returns a tree. def applySubstitutionWithLevel(self, subst, tree, level): if len(subst) == 0: return tree else: applySubst = self.ApplySubstitutionWithLevel() applySubst.setSubstitution(subst) applySubst.setLevel(level) tree = tree.walkATree(tree, applySubst) return tree # apply a substitution in reverse to a tree. # Returns a tree. def applySubstitutionReverse(self, subst, tree): if len(subst) == 0: return tree else: applySubst = self.ApplySubstitutionReverse() applySubst.setSubstitution(subst) tree = tree.walkATree(tree, applySubst) return tree # apply a substitution to a variable. def applySubstitutionToVar(self, subst, tree): if len(subst) == 0: return tree else: bool = ( == "Var" or == "EVar" or == "GVar" or == "GEVar") subst1, subst2 = subst[0] if (bool and tree.compareTrees(subst1, tree)): return self.applySubstitutionToVar (subst[1:], subst2) elif tree.compareTrees(subst1, tree): return subst2 else: return self.applySubstitutionToVar (subst[1:], subst2) # apply a substitution to a list. def applySubstitutionToList(self, subst, treeList): if len(treeList) == 0: return [] else: return ([self.applySubstitution(subst, treeList[0])] + self.applySubstitutionToList(subst, treeList[1:])) # apply a substitution list to a tree list. def applySubstitutionListToList(self, substList, treeList): if len(substList) == 0: return treeList else: return (self.applySubstitutionListToList(substList[1:]) + (self.applySubstitutionToList(substList[0], treeList))) # displays a substitution. def showSubstitution(self, subst): if len(subst) == 0: return "" else: subst1, subst2 = subst[0] return ("\nTerm:\n" + subst1.toStringXml("") + "\nTerm:\n" + subst2.toStringXml("") + "-----\n" + self.showSubstitution(subst[1:])) # display a list of substitutions. def showSubstitutionList(self, substList): output = "\nSubstitution List\n" for subst in substList: output = output + (self.showSubstitution(subst) + "==============") output = output + "\nEnd of substitution list.\n\n" return output class ApplySubstitution: def setSubstitution(self, subst): self.subst = subst def f (self, tree): if len(self.subst) == 0: return tree if ( == "Var" or == "EVar" or == "GVar" or == "GEVar" or == "URI"): for substitution in self.subst: subst1, subst2 = substitution if subst1.compareTreesFull(subst1, tree): tree = subst2 return tree class ApplySubstitutionWithLevel: import UtilsN3 utils = UtilsN3.Utils() def setSubstitution(self, subst): self.subst = subst def setLevel(self,level): self.level = level def f (self, tree): if len(self.subst) == 0: return tree if ( == "Var" or == "EVar" or == "GVar" or == "GEVar"): for substitution in self.subst: subst2, subst1 = substitution subst3 = subst1.copy() subst4 = subst2.copy() level1 = self.level - 1 if ( == "Var" or == "EVar" or == "GVar" or == "GEVar"): (bool, s1, rest) = ( self.utils.parseUntilString (subst3.content, "$_$")) if bool == "T": level1 = int(s1) subst3.content = rest[3:] level2 = self.level - 1 if ( == "Var" or == "EVar" or == "GVar" or == "GEVar"): (bool1, s2, rest) = ( self.utils.parseUntilString(subst4.content, "$_$")) if bool1 == "T": level2 = int(s1) subst4.content = rest[3:] print "??????????????????????" print `level2`, `level1`, self.level if (level2 == self.level - 1 and level1 == self.level - 1): if subst3.compareTrees(subst3, tree): print "//////////////:" tree = subst4 if ( == "URI"): for substitution in self.subst: subst2, subst1 = substitution if subst1.compareTreesFull(subst1, tree): tree = subst2 return tree class ApplySubstitutionReverse: def setSubstitution(self, subst): self.subst = subst def f (self, tree): if len(self.subst) == 0: return tree if ( == "Var" or == "EVar" or == "GVar" or == "GEVar" or == "URI"): for substitution in self.subst: subst2, subst1 = substitution if subst2.compareTrees(subst1, tree): tree = subst2 return tree # eliminate the doubles from a substitution def elimDoubleSubstitutions(self, substitution): if (len(substitution) == 0 or len(substitution) == 1): return substitution else: subst = substitution[0] t1, t2 = subst for subst1 in substitution[1:]: t3, t4 = subst1 if ( t1.compareTreesFull(t1,t3) and t1.compareTreesFull(t2, t4)): return self.elimDoubleSubstitutions(substitution[1:]) return [subst] + self.elimDoubleSubstitutions(substitution[1:]) # compare two substitutions # if equal then 1 is returned else 0 def compareSubstitutions(self, substitution1, substitution2): if (not len(substitution1) == len(substitution2)): return 0 count = 0 flag = 1 for subst1 in substitution1: flag = 1 subst2 = substitution2[count] t1, t2 = subst1 t3, t4 = subst2 if (not t1.compareTreesFull(t1,t3) or not t1.compareTreesFull(t2, t4)): flag = 0 break count = count + 1 return flag # eliminate the doubles from a substitutionLIST def eliminateDoublesFromSubstitutionList(self, substitutionList): if (len(substitutionList) == 0 or len(substitutionList) == 1): return substitutionList else: substitution1 = substitutionList[0] for substitution in substitutionList[1:]: if ( self.compareSubstitutions(substitution1, substitution)): return self.eliminateDoublesFromSubstitutionList(substitutionList[1:]) return ([substitution1] + self.eliminateDoublesFromSubstitutionList(substitutionList[1:])) # unify a tripleSet with a rule. The first clause is # a rule following the bnf for rules given higher. # The second is tripleset. # The last returned parameter is the list of newly generated goals. def unifyWithRule(self, tripleSet, rule): antecedents, consequents = self.selectTriplesFromRule(rule) bool, subst, tree, tree1 = self.unifyTripleSets(tripleSet, consequents) if bool: return (1, subst, tree, antecedents.children) else: return (0, [], tripleSet, []) # get all variables from a tree def getAllVariablesFromTree(self, tree): vars = tree.getChildrenByName(tree, "Var", []) vars = vars + tree.getChildrenByName(tree, "EVar", []) vars = vars + tree.getChildrenByName(tree, "GVar", []) vars = vars + tree.getChildrenByName(tree, "GEVar", []) return vars # get the antecedents and consequents from a rule. # These are returned as tripleSets. def selectTriplesFromRule(self, rule): done = 0 subject = rule.getChildByName("Subject") subject1 = subject while not done: subject2 = subject1 subject1 = subject subject = subject.getChildByName("Subject") if subject.type == "Empty": break antecedents = xml.XmlTree("TripleSet") antecedents.children = subject2.getDirectChildrenByName("Subject") verb = subject2.getChildByName("Verb") consequents = xml.XmlTree("TripleSet") consequents.children = verb.getChildrenByName(verb, "Subject", []) return (antecedents, consequents) # unify two triplesets; the second might be a rule. # optimisation possible by marking rules !!!!! def unifyTwoTripleSets(self, tripleSet1, tripleSet2): verbs = tripleSet2.getChildrenByName(tripleSet2, "Verb", []) bool = 0 for verb in verbs: uri = verb.getChildByName("URI") content = uri.content (bool1, s1, rest) = self.utils.parseUntil(" ", content) if rest == self.logImplies: bool = 1 break if bool: return self.unifyWithRule(tripleSet1, tripleSet2) else: return self.unifyTripleSets(tripleSet1, tripleSet2) # unify two triplesets but none is a rule. # returns a boolean, a substitution and a tripleset. def unifyTripleSets(self, tripleSet1, tripleSet2): subst = [] tripleSet = xml.XmlTree("TripleSet") triples = tripleSet1.getDirectChildrenByName("Subject") bool = 0 for triple in triples: bool, subst1, tree = self.unifyTripleWithTripleSet(triple, tripleSet2) subst = subst + subst1 tripleSet.addTreeList(tree) if bool == 0: break if bool == 1: return (1, subst, tripleSet, tree) else: return (0, [], tripleSet1, []) # unify a triple with a tripleset. # return a boolean, a substitution and a triple def unifyTripleWithTripleSet(self, triple, tripleSet): triples = tripleSet.getDirectChildrenByName("Subject") for triple1 in triples: bool, subst, tree = self.unifyTwoTriples(triple, triple1) if bool: return (1, subst, tree) return (0, [], [triple]) # unify two triples; returns a substitution. # The first tree has a single verb and a single object; # the second tree might have multiple verbs and/or objects. # The first node is . The children can be: , , . # The second triple is returned modified. def unifyTwoTriples(self, triple1, triple2): # unify the subjects bool, subst = self.unifyAtoms(triple1, triple2, []) if not bool: return (0, [], [triple2]) else: verbs1 = triple1.getDirectChildrenByName("Verb") verbs2 = triple2.getDirectChildrenByName("Verb") # unify the verbs bool1, subst1, verb3 = self.unifyVerbs (verbs1, verbs2, subst) # unification of the objects must be called from unifyVerbs. # reconstitute the second triple. triple2.deleteAllChildren("Verb") triple2.addTree(verb3) if bool1: return (1, subst1, [triple2]) else: return (0, [], [triple2]) # unify two atoms (subject, verb or object). Returns a substitution # and a boolean. # Possibilities: URI with URI;(G)(E)VAR with URI; (G)(E)VAR with (G)(E)VAR. def unifyAtoms(self, tree1, tree2, substIn): if (tree1.type == "Empty" or tree2.type == "Empty"): return (0, substIn) else: atom1, type1 = self.getAtomFromTree(tree1) atom2, type2 = self.getAtomFromTree(tree2) if (type1 == "var" and type2 == "var" and self.compareTreesVars(atom1, atom2)): return (0, substIn) if tree1.compareTreesFull(atom1, atom2): return (1, substIn) if (type1 == "var" and (type2 == "atom" or type2 == "subject")): return (1, substIn + [(atom1, atom2)]) if ((type1 == "atom" or type1 == "subject") and type2 == "var"): return (1, substIn + [(atom2, atom1)]) if (type1 == "var" and type2 == "var"): return (1, substIn + [(atom1, atom2)]) if (type1 == "subject" and type2 == "subject"): treeList1 = tree1.getDirectChildrenByName("Subject") treeList2 = tree2.getDirectChildrenByName("Subject") return self.unifyTwoTerms(treeList1, treeList2) return (0, substIn) # get an atom from a tree. # returns the atom and the type = "var", "atom", "subject" or "empty". # If true then an simple atom exists, # otherwise the atom is complex. def getAtomFromTree(self, tree): uri = tree.getChildByName("URI") if not uri.type == "Empty": return (uri, "atom") uri = tree.getChildByName("Var") if not uri.type == "Empty": return (uri, "var") uri = tree.getChildByName("EVar") if not uri.type == "Empty": return (uri, "var") uri = tree.getChildByName("GVar") if not uri.type == "Empty": return (uri, "var") uri = tree.getChildByName("GEVar") if not uri.type == "Empty": return (uri, "var") uri = tree.getChildByName("Subject") if not uri.type == "Empty": return (uri, "subject") return (uri, "empty") # no atom found; return empty tag and type. # unify two "verb"trees. For two matching verbs the corresponding objects # have to be unified as well. # The first list should have only one entry. (This is a little bit weird!!) def unifyVerbs(self, verbList1, verbList2, subst): if (len(verbList1) == 0 or len(verbList2) == 0): return (0, [], xml.XmlTree("Empty")) verb1 = verbList1[0] for verb2 in verbList2: bool, subst1 = self.unifyAtoms(verb1, verb2, subst) if bool: objects1 = verb1.getDirectChildrenByName("Object") objects2 = verb2.getDirectChildrenByName("Object") bool1, subst2, object = self.unifyObjects(objects1, objects2, subst1) if bool1: verb2.deleteAllChildren("Object") verb2.addTree(object) return (bool1, subst2, verb2) return (0, [], verb2) # unify two "object"trees. # the first list should only contain one object. def unifyObjects(self, objectList1, objectList2, substIn): if (len(objectList1) == 0 or len(objectList2) == 0): return (0, [], xml.XmlTree("Object")) else: object = objectList1[0] object1 = objectList2[0] bool, subst = self.unifyAtoms(object, object1, substIn) if bool: return (1, subst, object1) else: # failure; search on. return self.unifyObjects(objectList1, objectList2[1:], substIn) # this function unifies two terms. # each term is a list of triples. def unifyTwoTerms(self, treeList1, treeList2): if (len(treeList1) == 0): return (1, []) else: bool, subst, tree = self.unifyTripleWithTerm(treeList1[0], treeList2) if bool: treeList3 = treeList1[1:] bool1, subst1 = self.unifyTwoTerms(treeList3, treeList2) if bool1: return (1, subst + subst1) else: return (0, []) else: return (0, []) # unify a triple with a term. # a term is a list of triples. def unifyTripleWithTerm(self, triple, treeList): if len(treeList) == 0: return (1, [], triple) else: bool, subst, tree = self.unifyTwoTriples(triple, treeList[0]) if (len(treeList) == 1 or bool): return (bool, subst, tree) return self.unifyTripleWithTerm(triple, treeList[1:]) # create test data def createTestData(self): self.generate.createTestDB() self.semTree = self.generate.semTree self.semDic = self.generate.semDic axioms = self.semDic["axioms"] tripleSets = axioms.getDirectChildrenByName("TripleSet") tripleSet1 = tripleSets[0] triple1 = tripleSet1.getChildByName("Subject") tripleSet2 = tripleSets[1] triple2 = tripleSet2.getChildByName("Subject") rule1 = tripleSets[2] rule2 = tripleSets[3] query = self.semDic["query"] queryTriples = query.getDirectChildrenByName("TripleSet") qtripleSet1 = queryTriples[0] qtriple1 = qtripleSet1.getChildByName("Subject") qtripleSet2 = queryTriples[1] qtriple2 = qtripleSet2.getChildByName("Subject") rule1.printXml("") qtripleSet2.printXml("") bool, subst, tree, goals = self.unifyWithRule(rule1, qtripleSet2) print bool, self.showSubstitution(subst) tree.printXml("") tree.printTreeList(goals) # compare two trees; strip the level indication of the vars # this compares name, content and children def compareTreesVars (self, tree1, tree2): name1 = string.strip( name2 = string.strip( if (name1 == "Var" or name1 == "EVar" or name1 == "GVar" or name1 == "GEVar"): (bool1, s1, rest1) = ( self.utils.parseUntilString(tree1.content, "$_$")) name1 = rest1[3:] if (name2 == "Var" or name2 == "EVar" or name2 == "GVar" or name2 == "GEVar"): (bool2, s2, rest2) = ( self.utils.parseUntilString(tree2.content, "$_$")) name2 = rest2[3:] if (name1 == name2): children1 = tree1.children children2 = tree2.children flag = 0 for t1 in children1: flag = 0 for t2 in children2: if self.compareTreesVars(t1, t2): flag = 1 break if flag == 0: return 0 return 1 else: return 0 #unify = Unify() #unify.createTestData()