import "N3Parser" import "IO" import "Utils" import "XML" import "Load" import "Interact" -- The data structure of this program is based on the Euler program -- by Jos De Roo : -- The resolution engine is modelled after the mini-prolog interpreter -- of Marc P. Jones in the Hugs distribution. -- BNF for rules: -- rule :: "{" triplelist verbimplies triplelist "}" "a" objectTruth ";" -- verbforall objectforall -- ruleSubject :: triplelist -- triplelist :: "{" triple* "}" -- triple :: as usual -- verbimplies :: "" -- objectTruth :: "" -- verbforall :: "" -- objectforall :: URI ["," URI]* -- Definition of the data structures ---------------------------------------- -- infix definitions for substitutions --infixr 3 @@ --infix 4 ->- --- Substitutions: type Subst = Var -> Substituted -- a variable is a triple containing the short name of the variable, -- the full name and an integer: -- the integer serves for variable renaming; two variables are equal if they -- have the same name and the same value for the integer -- The format is: name1 name2 integer -- The integer is represented in string format type Var = XMLTree -- substitutions are represented by functions mapping variables to -- substituted values. -- -- app s extends the substitution s to a function mapping terms to terms -- nullSubst is the empty substitution which maps every identifier to the -- same identifier (as a term). -- v ->- t is the substitution which maps the variable v to the term t, -- but otherwise behaves like nullSubst. -- s1@@ s2 is the composition of substitutions s1 and s2 -- s @@ nullSubst = s = nullSubst @@ s app :: Subst -> Substituted -> Substituted app s (Tag tag@("Var",_, _)) = s (Tag tag) -- t is a general XML tree; the substitution has to be applied to all -- variables app s t = applySubstitution s t nullSubst :: Subst nullSubst v = v (->-) :: Var -> Substituted -> Subst (v ->- t) v1 | v1 == v = t | otherwise = v1 (@@) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst s1 @@ s2 = app s1 . s2 -- a variable can be substituted by a variable, an URI, a general Term or -- Empty. All these are XML trees. type Substituted= XMLTree -- Theoretical data structure ------------------------------- -- -- a term is a list of triples or a list of terms --data Term = TripleList [Triple] | -- Triple Triple| -- TermList [Term] | -- TermNull -- -- a triple is made with a subject and a propertylist. --type Triple = (Subject, PropertyList) -- -- a propertylist is a list of properties --type PropertyList = [Property] -- -- a property is made of a verb and an objectlist --type Property = (Verb, ObjectList) -- -- a objectlist is a list of Objects --type ObjectList = [Object] -- -- an atom is an uri, a variable or null --data Atom = URI URI| -- Var Var| -- AtomNull -- -- -- Subject Verb and Object are atoms or terms --data Subject = SubjectAtom Atom | -- SubjectTerm Term| -- SubjectNull -- --data Verb = VerbAtom Atom | -- VerbTerm Term | -- VerbNull -- --data Object = ObjectAtom Atom | -- ObjectTerm Term | -- ObjectNull -- -- a URI is a tuple with two strings; the first is the short name; -- the second is the full name --type URI = (String, String) -- -- a variable is a triple containing the short name of the variable, -- the full name and an integer: -- the integer serves for variable renaming; two variables are equal if they -- have the same name and the same value for the integer -- --type Var = (String, String, Int) -- -- a clause is a tuple with two terms . If the second term is empty -- the clause is a fact; otherwise it is a rule. --type Clause = (Term, Term) -- -- a rule is a tuple made of two terms. --type Rule = (Term, Term) -- -- an alternate list is a list of clauses. --type Alts = [Clause] -- -- a stack permits the backtrack to a situation --type Stack = [([Var],GoalList, [Rule])] -- -- a query is Term = a list of triples --type Query = Term -- -- a goallist is a Term = list of triples --type GoalList = Term -- -- a goal is a triple --type Goal = Triple -- -- a DB is a list of clauses (facts are rules with empty right sides) --type DB = [Clause] -- -- a prefixlist is a list of prefixes --type PrefixList = [String] -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- data structure type DB = [XMLTree] -- Functions ---------------- -- read a parsed axiom-file, read a parsed lemma-file,execute -- the refutation algorithm and display the result. searchProof fileName1 fileName2 = do s1 <- readFile fileName1 s2 <- readFile fileName2 executeProof (loadAndGet fileName1 (n3Parser s1) dbAxiom plist1) (loadAndGet fileName2 (n3Parser s2) dbLemma plist2) testSearchProof fileName1 fileName2 = do s1 <- readFile fileName1 s2 <- readFile fileName2 testExecuteProof (loadAndGet fileName1 (n3Parser s1) dbAxiom plist1) (loadAndGet fileName2 (n3Parser s2) dbLemma plist2) -- searches a proof for a query loadAndGet :: String -> String -> XMLTree -> [String] -> XMLTree loadAndGet fileName parseString db plist = (thdTriple (loadString (parseString, plist, db))) dbAxiom = Tag ("DB", Empty, Empty) dbLemma = Tag ("DB", Empty, Empty) plist1 = [] plist2 = [] testExecuteProof axiom lemma = putStr (treeListToXML (queryDB)) where dataBase = markAllVariables db varList 1 -- number variables starting from 1 db = (markRules (generateDB axiom)) varList = eliminateEmpties(eliminateDoubles(getAllVariables db)) queryDB = markAllVariables querydb [] 1 -- number variables starting from 1 querydb = (generateDB lemma) varList1 = eliminateEmpties (getAllVariables1 (queryDB)) executeProof axiom lemma = putStr (showSubstitutionList (fst(proof dataBase queryDB)) (varList++varList1)) where dataBase = markAllVariables db varList 1 -- number variables starting from 1 db = (markRules (generateDB axiom)) varList = eliminateEmpties(eliminateDoubles(getAllVariables db)) queryDB = markAllVariables querydb [] 1 -- number variables starting from 1 querydb = (generateDB lemma) varList1 = eliminateEmpties (getAllVariables1 (queryDB)) -- read a lemma, load it, generate the DB and print the result testLemma fileName = readExternN3 fileName (loadLemma fileName) where loadLemma fileName parseString = putStr(treeListToXML(queryDB)) where queryDB = markAllVariables querydb [] 1 querydb = generateDB( thdTriple(loadString (parseString, plist2, dbLemma))) -- The database is a list of clauses and is constituted by the children -- of the XML tree generated by the module load. testGenerateDB = stringToFile (treeListToXML (generateDB testTreeT)) "testGenerateDB.tst" -- generate the database from the XML tree generateDB :: XMLTree -> [XMLTree] generateDB db | bv2 = t1 | bv1 = [Tag tag] | otherwise = [] where t = getChildren db bv1 = testTag t bv2 = testTree t Tree t1 = t Tag tag = t -- saveVars fileName = readExternN3 fileName (testGetVars fileName) -- testdata testTestTreeT = putStr (fileToXML testTreeT) testTreeT = loadDB pa7 testTestQuery = putStr (fileToXML testQuery) testQuery = loadDB pa8 testTestDB = stringToFile (treeListToXML testDB) "testTestDB.tst" testTestQueryDB = putStr (treeListToXML testQueryDB) queryTriple = x where (x:xs) = testQueryDB -- build a query for testing. testQueryDB :: [XMLTree] testQueryDB = markAllVariables db [] 1 -- number variables starting from 1 where db = (generateDB testQuery) -- build a database for testing. testDB :: [XMLTree] testDB = markAllVariables db varList 1 -- number variables starting from 1 where db = (markRules (generateDB testTreeT)) varList = (getAllVariables db) testTestRule = putStr (fileToXML testRule) testRule = x1 where (x:x1:xs) = reverse testDB -- testdata for unification. testTriple1 = putStr (fileToXML triple1) triple1 = x where (x:xs) = testDB testTriple2 = putStr (fileToXML triple2) triple2 = getChild(getChild(getChild(getChild(getChild r)))) where rules@(r:rs) = eliminateEmpties (getChildrenByName tree "Rule") tree = addTree (Tag ("DB", Empty, Empty)) (mergeTreeList testDB) testVerb1 = putStr (fileToXML verb1) verb1 = v where [v] = eliminateEmpties(getChildrenByName triple1 "Verb") testVerb2 = putStr (fileToXML verb2) verb2 = v where [v] = eliminateEmpties(getChildrenByName triple2 "Verb") testObject1 = putStr (fileToXML object1) object1 = o where [o] = eliminateEmpties(getChildrenByName verb1 "Object") testObject2 = putStr (fileToXML object2) object2 = o where [o] = eliminateEmpties(getChildrenByName verb2 "Object") testTransformVarlist = putStr (treeListToXML testVarlist1) testVarlist = (eliminateEmpties(eliminateDoubles(getAllVariables (markRules (generateDB (testTreeT)))))) testVarlist1 = eliminateEmpties(markAllVariables testVarlist testVarlist 1) testVarlistQ1 = eliminateEmpties(getAllVariables1 (markAllVariables (generateDB testQuery) [] 1)) testAllVarlist = putStr (treeListToXML allVarlist) allVarlist = testVarlist1 ++ testVarlistQ1 testUnifyTwoTriples = putStr(showSubstitution (sndTriple (unifyTwoTriples triple1 triple2)) testVarlist1) testUnifyTwoTriples1 = putStr(fileToXML (thdTriple (unifyTwoTriples triple1 triple2))) testUnifyVerbs = putStr(showSubstitution (sndTriple (unifyVerbs [verb1] [verb2] nullSubst)) testVarlist1) testUnifyVerbs1 = (fstTriple (unifyVerbs [verb1] [verb2] nullSubst)) testUnifyVerbs2 = putStr(fileToXML(thdTriple (unifyVerbs [verb1] [verb2] nullSubst))) testUnifyTwoObjects = putStr(showSubstitution (sndTriple (unifyTwoObjects object1 object2 nullSubst)) testVarlist1) testUnifyTwoObjects1 = (fstTriple (unifyTwoObjects object1 object2 nullSubst)) testUnifyTwoObjects2 = putStr(fileToXML(thdTriple (unifyTwoObjects object1 object2 nullSubst))) testApplySubstitution = putStr (fileToXML (applySubstitution nullSubst object2)) testMergeTreeList = stringToFile (fileToXML (mergeTreeList testDB)) "testMergeTreeList.tst" testMarkRules = stringToFile (treeListToXML (markRules (generateDB( testTreeT)))) "testMarkRules.tst" testGetAllTags = stringToFile (showXMLlist (getAllTags testTreeT)) "testGetAllTags.tst" -- displays a substitution on condition that the substituted -- variable is in the varlist. showSubstitution :: Subst -> Varlist -> String showSubstitution subst [] = "" showSubstitution subst varlist@(v:vs) | subst v == v = showSubstitution subst vs | otherwise = "\nVariable:\n" ++ fileToXML v ++ "\nTerm:\n" ++ fileToXML (subst v) ++ (showSubstitution subst vs) -- display a list of substitutions showSubstitutionList :: [Subst] -> Varlist -> String showSubstitutionList [] varlist = "" showSubstitutionList (s:ss) varlist = showSubstitution s varlist ++ showSubstitutionList ss varlist -- mark the rules in the database markRules :: DB -> DB markRules [] = [] markRules db@(x:xs) | found = tag:markRules xs | otherwise = x:markRules xs where tagList = getAllTags x found = searchContent tagList "log:implies" Tag (name, tree, parent) = x tag = Tag ("Rule", tree, parent) type Varlist = [XMLTree] testMarkAllVariables = stringToFile (treeListToXML (markAllVariables db1 varlist 1)) "testMarkAllVariables.tst" where varlist = (getAllVariables db1) db1 = markRules (generateDB (testTreeT)) testMarkAllVariablesQ = stringToFile (treeListToXML (markAllVariables db1 varlist 1)) "testMarkAllVariablesQ.tst" where varlist = (getAllVariables db1) db1 = markRules (generateDB (testQuery)) -- this function marks all variables; the tag is changed to -- . markAllVariables :: DB -> Varlist -> Int -> DB markAllVariables [] varlist i = [] markAllVariables db@(x:xs) varlist i = (markVariables x varlist i):(markAllVariables xs varlist (i + 1)) testMarkVariables = putStr (fileToXML (markVariables testTreeT varlist 1)) where varlist = (getAllVariables db1) db1 = markRules (generateDB (testTreeT)) -- mark the variables in a clause -- The integer parameter is for numbering anonymous variables markVariables :: XMLTree -> Varlist -> Int -> XMLTree markVariables tree varlist i = walkATree tree f where f (Tag tag@("URI", t, p)) | startsWith s "_:" = addTree (Tag ("Var", Empty, p)) (Content ("_" ++ intToString i ++ s, Empty)) | startsWith s "?:" = addTree (Tag ("Var", Empty, p)) (Content ("?" ++ intToString i ++ s, Empty)) | isIn varlist (Tag tag) = Tag tag1 | otherwise = Tag tag where Tag tag1 = Tag ("Var", t, p) Content (s, _) = getChild (Tag tag) f t = t testAdds = putStr (fileToXML (Tag tag2)) where Tag tag1 = Tag ("Var", Empty, Empty) Tag tag2 = addTree (Tag tag1) (Tag tag3) Tag tag3 = addTree (Tag ("Id", Empty, Empty)) (Content ("0", Empty)) testWalkATree1 = putStr (fileToXML (walkATree testTreeT f)) where f t = t testGetAllVariables = putStr (treeListToXML (eliminateDoubles(getAllVariables (markRules (generateDB (testTreeT)))))) -- get the list of variables getAllVariables :: DB -> Varlist getAllVariables [] = [] getAllVariables (x:xs) = (getVariables x) ++ (getAllVariables xs) -- get the variables from a tag getVariables :: XMLTree -> [XMLTree] getVariables t | tagList == [] = [] | otherwise = varList where tagList = selectFromTree t f f (Tag tag@("Verb", t, _)) | bool = [Tag tag] | otherwise = [] where list = getAllTags t bool = searchContent list "log:forAll" f t = [] (y:ys) = getChildrenByName (Tree tagList) "URI" varList = ys getAllVariables1 :: DB -> Varlist getAllVariables1 [] = [] getAllVariables1 (x:xs) = (getVariables1 x) ++ (getAllVariables1 xs) -- get the variables from a tag getVariables1 :: XMLTree -> [XMLTree] getVariables1 t | tagList == [] = [] | otherwise = varList where tagList = selectFromTree t f f (Tag tag@("Var", _, _)) = [Tag tag] f t = [] varList = getChildrenByName (Tree tagList) "Var" testSearchContent = searchContent (getAllTags testTreeT) "log:implies" testUnifyWithRule = putStr ("Subst: " ++ (showSubstitution subst allVarlist) ++ "\nTree: " ++ (fileToXML tree) ++ "\n" ++ (show bool)) where (bool, subst, tree, treeList) = unifyWithRule queryTriple testRule -- unify a triple with a rule. The first clause is a 'simple' triple: -- with one verb and one object. The second is a rule following the bnf -- for rules given higher. See the XML Schema for the XML format -- (to do !!!) -- The last returned parameter is the list of newly generated goals. unifyWithRule :: XMLTree -> XMLTree -> (Bool, Subst, XMLTree, [XMLTree]) unifyWithRule triple rule | bv1 && bool = (True, subst, tree, ts) | otherwise = (False, nullSubst, triple, []) where triples = selectTriplesFromRule rule (bool, subst, tree) = unifyTwoTriples triple t (t:ts) = triples bv1 = length triples > 1 testSelectTriplesFromRule = putStr (treeListToXML (t:ts)) where (t:ts) = (selectTriplesFromRule testRule) -- get the premisses and the consequent of a rule. -- The first element in the returned list is the consequent. selectTriplesFromRule :: XMLTree -> [XMLTree] selectTriplesFromRule rule = reverse xs where list = selectFromTree rule f f (Tag tag@(s, _, _)) | (s == "Subject") && (bv1 || bv2) = [Tag tag] | otherwise = [] where Tag (s1, _, _) = getChild (Tag tag) bv1 = s1 == "URI" bv2 = s1 == "Var" f t = [] (xs) = eliminateEmpties list -- unify two triples; returns a substitution. -- The first tree has a single verb and a single object; -- the second tree might have multiple verbs and/or objects. -- The first node is . The children can be: or . -- The second triple is returned modified. unifyTwoTriples :: XMLTree -> XMLTree -> (Bool, Subst, XMLTree) unifyTwoTriples t1 t2 = (b1, subst1, t3) where -- unify the subjects (b, subst) = unifyAtoms t1 t2 nullSubst v1 = eliminateEmpties (getChildrenByName t1 "Verb") v2 = eliminateEmpties (getChildrenByName t2 "Verb") -- unify the verbs (b1, subst1, v3) = unifyVerbs v1 v2 subst -- unification of the objects must be called from unifyVerbs -- reconstitute the second triple t3 = replaceChild t2 v3 s Tag (s, _, _) = v3 testSpecial = fst (unifyAtoms (getChild verb1) (getChild verb2) nullSubst) -- unify two atoms (subject, verb or object). Returns a substitution -- and a boolean. -- Possibilities: URI with URI; VAR with URI; VAR with VAR. unifyAtoms :: XMLTree -> XMLTree -> Subst -> (Bool, Subst) unifyAtoms Empty _ substIn = (False, nullSubst) unifyAtoms t1 t2 substIn -- this test must be first!!! | t3 == t4 = (True, substIn) | testTag1 && s1 == "Var" = (True, substIn @@ ((Tag c1) ->- t6)) | testTag2 && s2 == "Var" = (True, substIn @@ ((Tag c2) ->- t5)) | otherwise = (False, substIn) where t3 = applySubstitution substIn t1 t4 = applySubstitution substIn t2 Tag c1@(s1, _, _) = t5 Tag c2@(s2, _, _) = t6 testTag1 = testTag t5 testTag2 = testTag t6 t5 = getChild t3 t6 = getChild t4 testTag (Tag c) = True testTag t = False -- unify two "verb"trees. For two matching verbs the corresponding objects -- have to be unified as well. unifyVerbs :: [XMLTree] -> [XMLTree] -> Subst -> (Bool, Subst, XMLTree) unifyVerbs [] _ _ = (False, nullSubst, Empty) unifyVerbs [Empty] _ subst = (False, nullSubst, Empty) unifyVerbs v1 [] subst = (False, nullSubst, Empty) unifyVerbs v1 v2@(v:vs) subst | bool = (bool1, subst2, addTreeAfter v4 (mergeTreeList vs)) | otherwise = (bool2, subst4, addTreeAfter v v3) where -- unify the verbs (bool, subst1) = unifyAtoms (getChild verb) (getChild v) subst [verb] = v1 -- get the objectlist o1 = eliminateEmpties (getChildrenByName verb "Object") o2 = eliminateEmpties (getChildrenByName v "Object") -- unify the objectlists (bool1, subst2, o3) = unifyObjects o1 o2 subst1 -- reconstitute the second verb v4 = replaceChild v o3 s -- failure; search further (bool2, subst4, v3) = unifyVerbs v1 vs subst Tag (s, _, _) = o3 -- unify two "object"trees. unifyObjects :: [XMLTree] -> [XMLTree] -> Subst -> (Bool, Subst, XMLTree) unifyObjects [Empty] _ substIn = (False, nullSubst, Empty) unifyObjects o1 [] substIn = (False, nullSubst, Empty) unifyObjects o1 o2@(o:os) substIn | bool = (bool, subst, addTreeAfter o3 (mergeTreeList os)) | otherwise = (bool1, subst1, addTreeAfter o o2) where -- unify the objects (bool, subst, o3) = unifyTwoObjects object o substIn [object] = o1 -- failure; search further (bool1, subst1, o2) = unifyObjects o1 os substIn -- apply a substitution to a tree applySubstitution :: Subst -> XMLTree -> XMLTree applySubstitution subst tree = walkATree tree f where f (Tag tag@("Var", t, p)) = subst (Tag tag) f t = t -- apply a substitution to a list applySubstitutionToList :: Subst -> [XMLTree] -> [XMLTree] applySubstitutionToList subst [] = [] applySubstitutionToList subst (x:xs) = (applySubstitution subst x):(applySubstitutionToList subst xs) -- unify two objects. This is like unifyAtoms; only the subject is -- marked as being unified. Returns a substitution -- and a boolean. -- Possibilities: URI with URI; VAR with URI; VAR with VAR. unifyTwoObjects :: XMLTree -> XMLTree -> Subst -> (Bool, Subst, XMLTree) --unifyTwoObjects Empty t substIn = (False, nullSubst, t) unifyTwoObjects t1 t2 substIn | (markedTags /= []) && (markedTags1 /= []) = (False, nullSubst, t2) -- return unmodified object | testTag2 && s2 == "Var" = (True, substIn @@ ((Tag c2) ->- t5), addTree t3 marked) | testTag1 && s1 == "Var" = (True, substIn @@ ((Tag c1) ->- t6), addTree t4 marked) | t3 == t4 = (True, substIn, addTree t2 marked) | otherwise = (False, substIn, t2) -- return unmodified object where t3 = applySubstitution substIn t1 t4 = applySubstitution substIn t2 t5 = getChild t3 t6 = getChild t4 Tag c1@(s1, _, _) = t5 Tag c2@(s2, _, _) = t6 testTag1 = testTag t5 testTag2 = testTag t6 -- test if already marked markedTags = eliminateEmpties (getChildrenByName t1 "mark") markedTags1 = eliminateEmpties (getChildrenByName t2 "mark") -- test if this is a tag testTag (Tag c) = True testTag t = False marked = Tag ("mark", Empty, Empty) -- the stack is a list of triples. The first element is the substitution -- at the point where the stack entry is made; the second element is -- the list of outstanding goals and the third element is the list of altenative -- clauses at the snapshot. type Stack = [(Subst, [XMLTree], [Alt])] -- show the contents of the stack showStack :: Stack -> Varlist -> String showStack [] varlist = [] showStack ((s, g, l):xs) varlist = "STACK:\n " ++ "Substitution: " ++ (showSubstitution s varlist) ++ "\n" ++ "Goals: " ++ (treeListToXML g) ++ "\n" ++ "Alts: " ++ (showAlts l varlist) -- show an alternative list showAlts :: [Alt] -> Varlist -> String showAlts [] varlist = [] showAlts (x:xs) varlist = showAlt x varlist ++ showAlts xs varlist -- show an alternative showAlt alt@(treeList, subst) varlist = treeListToXML treeList ++ showSubstitution subst varlist ++ "\nEnd\n" -- an alternative consists of a goal and a substitution that must -- be combined with the substitution that was already found at that -- point. type Alt = ([XMLTree], Subst) testProof = stringToFile ("Subst: \n" ++ (showSubstitutionList subst varlist) ++ "\nDebug info:\n" ++ string) "testProof.tst" where (subst, string) = proof testDB testQueryDB varlist = testVarlist1 ++ testVarlistQ1 -- a proof has as input the database of clauses and a query -- the output is a list of substitutions (one for each found solution) -- and a string that contains information if the verbose flag is set. -- the query is the initial goallist. proof :: [XMLTree] -> [XMLTree] -> ([Subst], String) proof db query = solve str nullSubst query [] 0 where solve :: String -> Subst -> [XMLTree] -> Stack -> Int -> ([Subst], String) -- when the goal list is empty and the stack is empty all solutions -- have been found; if the goallist is empty but not the stack then -- a backtrack will be done in search of further solutions. solve s subs [] stack n = (subs:sub, s1) where (sub, s1) = backtrack s stack (n+1) -- search a solution for the goal at the top of the goallist. solve s subs goals stack n | n > 20 = ([subs], s1) | bv1 = solve s subs [] stack n | otherwise = choose s1 subs gs1 (getAlts db (app subs g1)) stack (n+1) where s1 = s ++ testVerbose ("solve:\n" ++ treeListToXML (g1:gs1) ++ "\n") goalList = checkGrounded goals bv1 = goalList == [] gl@(g1:gs1) = goalList -- choose an alternative choose :: String -> Subst -> [XMLTree] -> ([Alt], String) -> Stack -> Int -> ([Subst], String) -- the list of alternatives is empty; backtrack to -- the last list of alternatives choose s subs gs ([],_) stack n = backtrack s1 stack (n+1) where s1 = s ++ "" -- add the goals of the first alternative to the goallist -- and combine the substitutions and try to solve; save the -- previous goallist on the stack with the previous substitution -- and the previous list of alternatives. choose s subs gs (altList, altS) stack n = solve s1 (sub@@subs) (tree ++ gs) ((subs,gs,alts):stack) (n+1) where s1 = s ++ testVerbose ("choose:\n" ++ showAlts altList allVarlist ++ altS ++ "\n") al@((tree,sub):alts) = altList -- If a goal fails then retrieve the last saved situation from -- the stack. backtrack :: String -> Stack -> Int -> ([Subst], String) -- stack is empty; nothing to backtrack. backtrack s [] n = ([],s) backtrack s stack n = choose s1 subst goals (alts, "") sts (n+1) where s1 = s ++ "\n\nBacktrack:\n\n" st@((subst, goals, alts):sts) = stack str = testVerbose "Start of proof:" checkGrounded :: [XMLTree] -> [XMLTree] checkGrounded [] = [] checkGrounded (x:xs) | t == [] = checkGrounded xs | otherwise = x:checkGrounded xs where t = getChildrenByName x "Var" -- if the verbose flag is True then the string that is input is output -- else an empty string is returned testVerbose :: String -> String testVerbose s | verbose = s | otherwise = [] -- get the list of matches of a triple with the heads in the database -- unify and rename the variables -- this is the kernel of the resolution engine -- The first parameter is the database; the second is the goal to unify; -- the third is the rename level. Output is a list of alternatives -- consisting of pairs that contain a clause and a substitution: -- type Alt = (XMLTree, Subst). getAlts :: [XMLTree] -> XMLTree -> ([Alt], String) getAlts [] t = ([], "") getAlts (x:xs) t | bv1 && bool = ([(eliminateEmpties goals, subst)] ++ alts, s2 ++ s1) | (not bv1) && bool1 = ([([t], subst1)] ++ alts, s2 ++ s1) | otherwise = getAlts xs t where Tag (s, _, _) = x bv1 = s == "Rule" -- unify with a rule (bool, subst, t1, goals) = unifyWithRule t x -- unify with a triple (bool1, subst1, t2) = unifyTwoTriples t x (alts, s1) = getAlts xs t s2 = "\n alt tag = " ++ s ++ "\n" testGetAlts = stringToFile (showAlts (fst(getAlts testDB x)) varlist) "testGetAlts.tst" where (x:xs) = testQueryDB varlist = testVarlist1 ++ testVarlistQ1 -- Example data ------------------ -- constants -------------------- -- the unloaded list of variables varlist :: XMLTree varlist = Tag ("Variables", Empty, Empty) verbose = True swaplog = "" impliesURI = swaplog ++ "#implies" varURI = swaplog ++ "#forAll"