import "N3Parser" import "IO" import "Utils" -- The data structure of this program is based on the Euler program -- by Jos De Roo : -- The resolution engine is modelled after the mini-prolog interpreter -- of Marc P. Jones in the Hugs distribution. -- BNF for rules: -- rule :: "{" triplelist verbimplies triplelist "}" "a" objectTruth ";" -- verbforall objectforall -- ruleSubject :: triplelist -- triplelist :: "{" triple* "}" -- triple :: as usual -- verbimplies :: "" -- objectTruth :: "" -- verbforall :: "" -- objectforall :: URI ["," URI]* -- Definition of the data structures ---------------------------------------- -- infix definitions for substitutions --infixr 3 @@ --infix 4 ->- --- Substitutions: type Subst = Var -> Substituted -- substitutions are represented by functions mapping variables to -- substituted values. -- -- app s extends the substitution s to a function mapping terms to terms -- nullSubst is the empty substitution which maps every identifier to the -- same identifier (as a term). -- v ->- t is the substitution which maps the variable v to the term t, -- but otherwise behaves like nullSubst. -- s1@@ s2 is the composition of substitutions s1 and s2 -- s @@ nullSubst = s = nullSubst @@ s app :: Subst -> Substituted -> Substituted app s (SubstVar v) = s v app s (SubstURI u) = SubstURI u --app s (Term t) -- | TripleList x:xs -- | TermList y:ys nullSubst :: Subst nullSubst v = SubstVar v --(->-) :: Var -> Substituted -> Substituted --(v ->- t) v1 | v1 == v = t -- | otherwise = v1 --(@@) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst --s1 @@ s2 = app s1 . s2 data Substituted= SubstVar Var| SubstURI URI| SubstTerm Term| SubstNull -- a term is a list of triples or a list of terms data Term = TripleList [Triple] | Triple Triple| TermList [Term] | TermNull -- a triple is made with a subject and a propertylist. type Triple = (Subject, PropertyList) -- a propertylist is a list of properties type PropertyList = [Property] -- a property is made of a verb and an objectlist type Property = (Verb, ObjectList) -- null property nullP = (VerbNull, [ObjectTerm TermNull]) -- a objectlist is a list of Objects type ObjectList = [Object] -- an atom is an uri, a variable or null data Atom = URI URI| Var Var| AtomNull instance Eq Atom where URI (s, s1) == URI (s2, s3) = (s == s2) && (s1 == s3) Var (s1, s2, n) == Var (s3, s4, n1) = (s1 == s3) && (s2 == s4) && (n == n1) AtomNull == AtomNull = True _ == _ = False instance Eq Subject where (SubjectAtom a1) == (SubjectAtom a2) = a1 == a2 SubjectNull == SubjectNull = True _ == _ = False instance Eq Verb where (VerbAtom a1) == (VerbAtom a2) = a1 == a2 VerbNull == VerbNull = True _ == _ = False instance Eq Object where (ObjectAtom a1) == (ObjectAtom a2) = a1 == a2 ObjectNull == ObjectNull = True _ == _ = False -- Subject Verb and Object are atoms or terms data Subject = SubjectAtom Atom | SubjectTerm Term| SubjectNull data Verb = VerbAtom Atom | VerbTerm Term | VerbNull data Object = ObjectAtom Atom | ObjectTerm Term | ObjectNull -- a URI is a tuple with two strings; the first is the short name; -- the second is the full name type URI = (String, String) -- a variable is a triple containing the short name of the variable, -- the full name and an integer: -- the integer serves for variable renaming; two variables are equal if they -- have the same name and the same value for the integer -- type Var = (String, String, Int) -- a variablelist of kind 1 is a globals list (see Utils.hs) type VarList = Globals -- a clause is a tuple with two terms . If the second term is empty -- the clause is a fact; otherwise it is a rule. type Clause = (Term, Term) -- a rule is a tuple made of two terms. type Rule = (Term, Term) -- an alternate list is a list of clauses. type Alts = [Clause] -- a stack permits the backtrack to a situation type Stack = [([Var],GoalList, [Rule])] -- a query is Term = a list of triples type Query = Term -- a goallist is a Term = list of triples type GoalList = Term -- a goal is a triple type Goal = Triple -- a DB is a list of clauses (facts are rules with empty right sides) type DB = [Clause] -- a prefixlist is a list of prefixes type PrefixList = [String] -- access the data structure -- The string defines the tag of which a list is wanted -- access is done on the clause level accessL :: Clause -> String -> [a] -- returns a sequence of all tags in a clause accessS :: Clause -> [a] -- display functions --------------------------- -- show an atom showAtom :: Atom -> String showAtom (URI (s1, s2)) = " URI: (" ++ s1 ++ ", " ++ s2 ++ ") " showAtom (Var (s1, s2, n)) = "VAR: (" ++ s1 ++ ", " ++ s2 ++ ", " ++ show n ++") " showAtom (AtomNull) = "" -- show a subject showSubject :: Subject -> String showSubject (SubjectAtom atom) = "Subject: " ++ showAtom atom showSubject (SubjectTerm term) = "Subject: " ++ showTerm term showSubject SubjectNull = "SubjectNull" -- show a verb showVerb :: Verb -> String showVerb (VerbAtom atom) = "Verb: " ++ showAtom atom showVerb (VerbTerm term) = "Verb: " ++ showTerm term showVerb VerbNull = "VerbNull" -- show an object showObject :: Object -> String showObject (ObjectAtom atom) = "Object: " ++ showAtom atom showObject (ObjectTerm term) = "Object: " ++ showTerm term showObject ObjectNull = "ObjectNull" -- show an ObjectList showObjectList :: [Object] -> String showObjectList [] = " End of ObjectList " showObjectList (x:xs) = showObject x ++ showObjectList xs -- show a property showProperty :: Property -> String showProperty (v, ol) = " Property: " ++ showVerb v ++ " ObjectList: " ++ showObjectList ol -- show a propertyList showPropertyList :: [Property] -> String showPropertyList [] = " End of PropertyList " showPropertyList (x:xs) = showProperty x ++ showPropertyList xs -- show a triple showTriple :: Triple -> String showTriple (s, pl) = " Triple: " ++ showSubject s ++ " PropertyList: " ++ showPropertyList pl -- show a triplelist showTripleList :: [Triple] -> String showTripleList [] = " End of TripleList " showTripleList (x:xs) = showTriple x ++ showTripleList xs -- show a variable showVariable :: Var -> String showVariable (s1, s2, n) = "Var(" ++ s1 ++ ", " ++ s2 ++ ", " ++ show n ++ ") " -- show a variablelist showVariableList :: [Var] -> String showVariableList [] = " End of variable list " shiwVariableList (x:xs) = showVariable x ++ showVariableList xs -- show a term showTerm :: Term -> String showTerm (TripleList t) = "Term: " ++ showTripleList t showTerm (TermList t) = "TermList: " ++ showTermList t showTerm (Triple t) = "Term: " ++ showTriple t showTerm TermNull = "TermNull " -- show a termlist showTermList :: [Term] -> String showTermList [] = " End of TermList " showTermList (x:xs) = showTerm x ++ "\n " ++ showTermList xs -- show a clause showClause :: Clause -> String showClause (t1, t2) = " Clause: (" ++ showTerm t1 ++ ", " ++ showTerm t2 ++ ") " -- show the contents of the stack --showStack [] = [] --showStack ((v, g, l):xs) = "STACK " ++ showVariableList v ++ " **** " ++ -- showTripleList g ++ " **** " ++ showDB l -- ++ "//// " ++ showStack xs -- show a db showDB :: [Clause] -> String showDB [] = " EndOfDB" showDB (x:xs) = showClause x ++ "\n\n" ++ showDB xs -- Functions ---------------- -- read a parsed file, load it and print the result saveEngine fileName = readExternN3 fileName (loadAndSave fileName) -- saveVars fileName = readExternN3 fileName (testGetVars fileName) -- loadFile loads a file into the data structures loadAndSave :: String -> String -> IO () loadAndSave fileName parseString = stringToFile (showDB (thdTriple (loadString (parseString, plist, db)))) (fileName ++ ".ld") -- loadFile loads a file into the data structures testGetVars :: String -> String -> IO () testGetVars fileName parseString = stringToFile ((showDB (fst(result))) ++ show(snd(result))) (fileName ++ ".tv") where result = genLogic (splitDB(thdTriple (loadString (parseString, plist, db))), varlist) -- read a parsed file and load it -- type?? readEngine fileName = readExternN3 fileName loadFile -- loadFile loads a file into the data structures loadFile :: String -> IO () loadFile parseString = putStr (showDB (thdTriple (loadString (parseString, plist, db)))) -- putStr (fstTriple (loadString (parseString, plist, db))) -- get elements of a quadruple fstTriple (a, b, c) = a thdTriple (a, b, c) = c testLoadString = showDB (thdTriple (loadString (pa1, plist, db))) -- this function creates the datastrucure loadString :: (String, PrefixList, DB) -> (String, PrefixList, DB) loadString ([], p, db) = ([], p, db) loadString (s, p, db) | token == "Prefix" = loadString (s2, p ++ [token1], db) | token == "Subject" = loadString (s3, p, db ++ [(TripleList [t],TermNull)]) | token == "Set" = loadString (s4, p, db ++ [(te,TermNull)]) | token == "AnonSet" = loadString (s4, p, db ++ [(te,TermNull)]) | otherwise = (s, p, db) where (token, s1) = getNextToken ("", s) (token1, s2) = getNextToken ("", s1) -- get the prefix (s3, t) = loadTriple s (s4, te) = loadTerm (s3, merge (TermList []) (TripleList [t])) testLoadTerm1 = fst (loadTerm (pa5, TermList[])) testLoadTerm2 = showTerm(snd(loadTerm (pa5,TermList[]))) -- load a term next token might be Set || AnonSet || Subject || EndOfSet -- otherwise loadTriple -- If Set then create a TermList loadTerm :: (String, Term) -> (String, Term) loadTerm (s, t) | token == "Set" = (s3, t2) | token == "AnonSet" = (s3, t2) | token == "Subject" = (s5, t4) | token == "EndOfSet" = (s1, t) -- return on EndOfSet | otherwise = (s, t) -- this is not a term where (token, s1) = getNextToken ("", s) (s3, t2) = loadTerm (s4, merge t (TripleList [t3])) (s2, t1) = loadTriple s (s5, t4) = loadTerm (s2, merge t (TripleList [t1])) (s4, t3) = loadTriple s1 merge (TermList t1) (TermList t2) = TermList (t1 ++ t2) merge (TermList t1) (TripleList t2) = TermList (t1 ++ [TripleList t2]) testLoadTriple = showTriple (snd (loadTriple pa1)) testLoadAnonSet = showTerm (snd (loadTerm (pa4, TermList []))) -- load a triple; load the subject and a propertylist. loadTriple :: String -> (String, Triple) loadTriple s | token == "Subject" = (s3, (sub, p)) | token == "Set" = (s3, (sub, p)) | otherwise = (s, (SubjectNull, [])) where (token, s1) = getNextToken ("", s) (s2, sub) = loadSubject s (s3, p) = loadPropertyList (s2, []) testLoadPropertyList = showPropertyList (snd (loadPropertyList (pa3, []))) -- load a propertylist loadPropertyList :: (String, PropertyList) -> (String, PropertyList) loadPropertyList ([], p) = ([], p) loadPropertyList (s, p) | token == "_subject" = loadPropertyList (s2, p ++ [p1]) | otherwise = (s1, p ++ [p1]) where (s1, p1) = loadProperty s (token, s2) = getNextToken ("", s1) -- load a property -- the next token might be: Verb || _subject loadProperty :: String -> (String, Property) loadProperty s | token == "Verb" = (s5, (v1, n)) | token == "_subject" = (s6, (v2, n1)) -- necessary?? | otherwise = (s, (VerbNull, [])) where (token, s1) = getNextToken ("", s) (s5, n) = loadObjectList (s3, []) (s6, n1) = loadObjectList (s4, []) (s3, v1) = loadVerb s (s4, v2) = loadVerb s1 testLoadObjectList = map showObject (snd(loadObjectList (pa2, []))) -- load an objectlist loadObjectList :: (String, ObjectList) -> (String, ObjectList) loadObjectList ([], o) = ([], o) loadObjectList (s, o) | token == "_subject" && token1 == "_verb" = loadObjectList (s3, o ++ [o1]) | otherwise = (s1, o ++ [o1]) where (s1, o1) = loadObject s (token, s2) = getNextToken ("", s1) (token1, s3) = getNextToken ("", s2) -- load a subject -- the next token might be: Subject || Set || AnonSet loadSubject :: String -> (String, Subject) loadSubject [] = ([], SubjectNull) loadSubject s | token == "Subject" = (s3, SubjectAtom (URI (token1, token2))) | token == "Set" = (s4, SubjectTerm t1) | token == "AnonSet" = (s4, SubjectTerm t1) | otherwise = (s, SubjectNull) where (token, s1) = getNextToken ("", s) (token1, s2) = getNextToken ("", s1) (token2, s3) = getNextToken ("", s2) (s4, t1) = loadTerm (s, TermList []) -- load a verb -- the next token might be: Verb || _subject || Set || AnonSet loadVerb :: String -> (String, Verb) loadVerb [] = ([], VerbNull) loadVerb s | token == "Verb" = (s3, VerbAtom (URI (token1, token2))) | token == "_subject" = (s4, VerbAtom (URI (token2, token3))) | token == "Set" = (s5, VerbTerm t1) | token == "AnonSet" = (s5, VerbTerm t1) | otherwise = (s, VerbNull) where (token, s1) = getNextToken ("", s) (token1, s2) = getNextToken ("", s1) (token2, s3) = getNextToken ("", s2) (token3, s4) = getNextToken ("", s3) (s5, t1) = loadTerm (s, TermList []) -- load an object -- the next token might be: Object || _subject loadObject :: String -> (String, Object) loadObject [] = ([], ObjectNull) loadObject s | token == "Object" = (s3, ObjectAtom (URI (token1, token2))) | token == "_subject" && token1 == "_verb" = (s5, ObjectAtom (URI (token3, token4))) | token == "Set" = (s6, ObjectTerm t1) | token == "AnonSet" = (s6, ObjectTerm t1) | otherwise = (s, ObjectNull) where (token, s1) = getNextToken ("", s) (token1, s2) = getNextToken ("", s1) (token2, s3) = getNextToken ("", s2) (token3, s4) = getNextToken ("", s3) (token4, s5) = getNextToken ("", s4) (s6, t1) = loadTerm (s, TermList []) -- getNextToken returns the next token and the rest string -- is normally called with first string empty getNextToken :: (String, String) -> (String, String) getNextToken ([], []) = ([], []) getNextToken (s, []) = (s, []) getNextToken (s1, s2@(x:xs)) | startsWith s2 "/@/" = (s1, drop 3 s2) | otherwise = getNextToken (s1 ++ [x], xs) -- split lists of terms in DB into single terms. The second term is -- still always null. Split TripleList into single Triple. splitDB :: DB -> DB splitDB [] = [] splitDB (((TermList (z:zs)),t):xs) = splitTripleList(z, t) ++ splitDB (((TermList zs), t):xs) splitDB (x@((TripleList t), t1):xs) = splitTripleList(x) ++ splitDB xs splitDB (x:xs) = x : splitDB xs splitTripleList :: Clause -> [Clause] splitTripleList (TripleList [],_) = [] splitTripleList (TripleList (x:xs),t) = (Triple x, t): splitTripleList (TripleList xs, t) splitTripleList (t1, t) = [(t1,t)] -- generate a list of variables and split the rules into one or -- more pairs of terms. -- detect log:implies and log:forAll and log:forSome -- All triplelists contain only one triple now, but can -- contain several after the rule split. genLogic :: (DB, Globals) -> (DB, Globals) genLogic ([], varlist) = ([], varlist) genLogic ((x:xs), varlist) = mergeDB(z, genLogic (xs, varlist2)) where z@(c, varlist2) = genLogicClause (x, varlist) mergeDB ((c1, varlist3), (db1, varlist4)) = (c1:db1, varlist4) testGenLogic = snd(genLogic (dbt, varlist)) -- get the variables in a clause and split the rules -- In input the clause contains a single triple genLogicClause :: (Clause, Globals) -> (Clause, Globals) genLogicClause (c@(Triple t, t2), varlist) = (clause, varlist1) where varlist1 = getVariablesFromTripleList ([t], varlist) clause = splitRuleInTriple c genLogicClause (c, varlist) = (c, varlist) testGenLogicClause = showClause(fst (result)) ++ show(snd(result)) where result = genLogicClause (cl2, varlist) -- here I assume that the verb "log:forAll" is not in a nested structure. getVariablesFromTripleList ([], varlist) = varlist getVariablesFromTripleList ((t:ts), varlist) = getVariablesFromTripleList (ts, getVariablesFromTriple (t, varlist)) where getVariablesFromTriple ((s, pl), varlist) = getVariablesFromPropertyList (pl, varlist) getVariablesFromPropertyList ([], varlist) = varlist getVariablesFromPropertyList ((t:ts), varlist) = getVariablesFromPropertyList (ts, getVariablesFromProperty (t, varlist)) getVariablesFromProperty (t1@((VerbAtom (URI (u1, u2))), o), varlist) | u2 == swaplog ++ "#forAll" = getVariablesFromObjectList (o, varlist) | otherwise = varlist getVariablesFromProperty (t, varlist) = varlist getVariablesFromObjectList ([], varlist) = varlist getVariablesFromObjectList ((o:os), varlist) = getVariablesFromObjectList (os, getVariableFromObject (o, varlist)) getVariableFromObject (o1@((ObjectAtom (URI (u1, u2)))), varlist) = setStringParam varlist u2 u1 getVariableFromObject (o1, varlist) = varlist testGetVariablesFromTripleList = (getVariablesFromTripleList ([t4], varlist)) -- here I assume that the verb "log:implies" is in a rule structure -- following the rule bnf given higher. splitRuleInTriple :: Clause -> Clause splitRuleInTriple cl@(Triple t@((SubjectTerm t1), pl), t2) | v == VerbNull = cl | otherwise = c where (v, [(ObjectTerm t3)]) = getProperty pl impliesURI c = (Triple t, t3) testSplitRuleInTriple = showClause (splitRuleInTriple (Triple t4, TermNull)) -- get a property from a propertylist with a specified verb getProperty :: PropertyList -> String -> Property getProperty [] _ = nullP getProperty pl@(p:ps) s | u2 == s = p | otherwise = getProperty ps s where (v, ol) = p VerbAtom (URI (u1, u2)) = v testGetProperty = showProperty (getProperty pl2 impliesURI) -- testdata t :: Triple t = (s, [(v, [o])]) te :: Term te = Triple t cl :: Clause cl = (te, TripleList []) cl1 = (Triple t3, TripleList []) cl2 = (Triple t4, TripleList []) dbt = [cl, cl2] s = SubjectAtom (URI (":c",":c")) s1 = SubjectAtom (URI (":c1",":c1")) v = VerbAtom (URI (":a",":a")) v1 = VerbAtom (URI (":a1",":a1")) o = ObjectAtom (URI (":b",":b")) o1 = ObjectAtom (URI (":b1",":b1")) o2 = ObjectAtom (URI (":b11",":b12")) ol = [o,o1] ol1 = [o1, o] ol2 = [o1, o2] po = (v, ol) po1 = (v1, ol1) pl = [po1, po] pl1 = [po, po1] pl2 = [(VerbAtom (URI ("log:implies", impliesURI)), [ObjectTerm (Triple t2)])] pl3 = [(VerbAtom (URI ("log:implies", impliesURI)), [ObjectTerm (Triple t2)]), (VerbAtom (URI ("log:forAll", varURI)), ol2)] t1 = (s, pl) t2 = (s1, pl1) t3 = (SubjectTerm (Triple t1), pl2) t4 = (SubjectTerm (Triple t1), pl3) -- test unification takes as input two triples and returns a truth value --testUnify :: Triple -> Triple -> Bool --testUnify TripleNull TripleNull = False --testUnify TripleNull t2 = False --testUnify t1 TripleNull = False --testUnify (Triple s1 v1 o1) (Triple s2 v2 o2) = -- (testUnifyTerm s1 s2)&&(testUnifyTerm v1 v2)&&(testUnifyTerm o1 o2) -- unification takes as input two triples and produces a most general triple --unify :: Triple -> Triple -> Triple --unify TripleNull TripleNull = TripleNull --unify TripleNull t2 = t2 --unify t1 TripleNull = t1 --unify (Triple s1 v1 o1) (Triple s2 v2 o2) = -- Triple (unifyTerm s1 s2) (unifyTerm v1 v2) (unifyTerm o1 o2) -- testUnifyTerm test the unification of two terms --testUnifyTerm :: Term -> Term -> Bool --testUnifyTerm (Term (Vari (v,g,l))) t = True --testUnifyTerm t (Term (Vari (v,g,l))) = True --testUnifyTerm (Term (Uri u1)) (Term (Uri u2)) -- | u1 == u2 = Tr -- | otherwise = False -- unifyTerm unifies two terms and returns a most general term --unifyTerm :: Term -> Term -> Term --unifyTerm (Term (Vari (v,g,l))) t = (Term (Vari (v,g,l ++ [t]))) --unifyTerm t (Term (Vari (v,g,l))) = (Term (Vari (v,g,l ++ [t]))) --unifyTerm (Term (Uri u1)) (Term (Uri u2)) = Term NullAtom -- a proof has as input the database of clauses and a query -- the output is a list of variables with the substitutions -- the query is the initial goallist -- returns the solution, -- and a string for verbose information --proof :: [Rule] -> Query -> ([Var], String) --proof db query = solve str 1 [] query [] -- where -- solve :: String -> Int -> [Var] -> [Triple] -> Stack -> ([Var], String) -- solve s n vars [] stack = (vars ++ x1, x2) -- where (x1, x2) = backtrack s n stack -- solve s n vars (g:gs) stack = choose s1 n vars1 gs (getAlts db g n) stack -- where vars1 = nubVar (getVarsTriple g) -- s1 = s ++ "solve " -- -- choose :: String -> Int -> [Var] -> [Triple] -> [Alts] -> Stack -> ([Var], String) -- choose s n vars gs [] stack = backtrack s1 n stack -- where s1 = s ++ "" -- choose s n vars gs (y:ys) stack = -- solve s1 (n+1) (nubVar ((getVarsTriple x) -- ++ (getVarsTripleList xs))) -- (gs ++ xs) ((vars,gs,ys):stack) -- where (x,xs) = y -- s1 = s ++ "choose " -- -- backtrack :: String -> Int -> Stack -> ([Var], String) -- backtrack s n [] = ([],s) -- backtrack s n ((vars,gs,ys):stack) = choose s1 (n-1) (derefVarList vars n) -- gs ys stack -- where s1 = s ++ showStack stack -- str = testVerbose "Start of proof:" -- if the verbose flag is True then the string that is input is output -- else an empty string is returned testVerbose :: String -> String testVerbose s | verbose = s | otherwise = [] --testProof = (showVariableList x1) ++ x2 -- where (x1, x2) = proof db q1 --getVars :: Rule -> [Var] --getVars (t, l) = getVarsTriple t ++ getVarsTripleList l -- get the variables in a triple --getVarsTriple :: Triple -> [Var] --getVarsTriple (Triple s v o) = getVarsTerm s ++ getVarsTerm v ++ getVarsTerm o -- get the variables in a triplelist --getVarsTripleList :: [Triple] -> [Var] --getVarsTripleList [] = [] --getVarsTripleList (x:xs) = getVarsTriple x ++ getVarsTripleList xs -- get the variables in a term --getVarsTerm :: Term -> [Var] --getVarsTerm (Term (Vari v)) = [v] --getVarsTerm t = [] -- get the variables in a term list --getVarsTermList :: [Term] -> [Var] --getVarsTermList [] = [] --getVarsTermList (x:xs) = getVarsTerm x ++ getVarsTermList xs -- dereferences a variable after a backtrack --derefVar :: Var -> Int -> Var --derefVar (s, i, l) n = (s, i, derefTermList l n) -- deref the variable in a term --derefTerm :: Term -> Int -> Term --derefTerm (Term (Vari v)) n = (Term (Vari (derefVar v n))) --derefTerm t n = t --derefTermList :: [Term] -> Int -> [Term] --derefTermList [] n = [] --derefTermList (x:xs) n = derefTerm x n : derefTermList xs n -- dereferences a variable list after a backtrack --derefVarList :: [Var] -> Int -> [Var] --derefVarList [] n = [] --derefVarList ((s, i, l):xs) n -- | i == n = derefVarList xs n -- | otherwise = derefVar (s, i, l) n : derefVarList xs n -- match a goal with the database -- This returns a GoalList or [] -- where GoalList is a list of goals and [Alts] is a list of alternatives. -- type Alts = Rule --matchDB :: DB -> Triple -> Int -> (GoalList, [Alts]) --matchDB (x:xs) t n -- | bv1 = (y2, getAlts xs t n+1) -- | otherwise = matchDB xs t n -- where bv1 = testUnifyRule x t -- (y1, y2) = x -- get the list of matches of a triple with the heads in the database -- unify , rename and copy the variables -- this is the kernel of the resolution engine --getAlts :: [Rule] -> Triple -> Int -> [Alts] --getAlts [] t n = [] --getAlts (x:xs) t n -- | bv1 = [(renameTriple y3 n, ts)] ++ (getAlts xs t n) -- | otherwise = getAlts xs t n -- where bv1 = testUnifyRule x t -- (y1, y2) = x -- the first rule in the database -- y3 = unify y1 t -- unify the triple with the head of the rule -- ys = renameTripleList y2 n -- rename this list -- ts = copyVars y3 ys --copyVars :: Triple -> [Triple] -> [Triple] --copyVars t [] = [] --copyVars t (x:xs) = copyTripleVars t x: copyVars t xs --copyTripleVars :: Triple -> Triple -> Triple --copyTripleVars t (Triple s v o) = Triple (copyTermVars t s) (copyTermVars t v) -- (copyTermVars t o) --copyTermVars :: Triple -> Term -> Term --copyTermVars (Triple s ve o) t = -- (copyTermTerm s (copyTermTerm ve (copyTermTerm o t))) --copyTermVars t term = term --copyTermTerm (Term (Vari (s, n, l))) (Term (Vari (s1, n1, l1))) -- | s == s1 = (Term (Vari (s, n, l))) -- | otherwise = (Term (Vari (s1, n1, l1))) --copyTermTerm t1 t2 = t2 -- checks if a variable is present in this triple --checkVar :: Triple -> Var -> Bool --checkVar (Triple s ve o) v = (checkTerm s v)&&(checkTerm ve v)&&(checkTerm o v) -- checks if a term contains the same variable name as the input variable --checkTerm :: Term -> Var -> Bool --checkTerm (Term (Vari (s, n, l))) (s1, n1, l1) = s == s1 --checkTerm t v = False --testGetAlts = -- showDB (getAlts db q3 1) --testUnifyRule :: Rule -> Triple -> Bool --testUnifyRule (t,l) t1 = testUnify t t1 -- rename the variables in a triple --renameTriple :: Triple -> Int -> Triple --renameTriple (Triple s v o) n = Triple ((renameTerm s) n) ((renameTerm v) n) -- ((renameTerm o) n) -- rename the variables in a triple list --renameTripleList :: [Triple] -> Int -> [Triple] --renameTripleList [] n = [] --renameTripleList (x:xs) n = renameTriple x n : renameTripleList xs n -- The integer value of the variables is set to the integer parameter --renameVars :: Triple -> Int -> Triple --renameVars (Triple s v o) n = -- Triple ((renameTerm s) n) ((renameTerm v) n) ((renameTerm o) n) -- rename the variables in a term --renameTerm :: Term -> Int -> Term --renameTerm (Term (Vari (v,i,l))) n = (Term (Vari (v, n, renameTermList l n))) --renameTerm t n = t --renameTermList :: [Term] -> Int -> [Term] --renameTermList [] n = [] --renameTermList (x:xs) n = (renameTerm x n):renameTermList xs n -- remove duplicate variables from list --nubVar :: [Var] -> [Var] --nubVar [] = [] --nubVar (x:xs) = x : nubVar (filter (notEqualVar x) xs) --notEqualVar :: Var -> Var -> Bool --notEqualVar (s, n, l) (s1, n1, l1 -- | s == s1 && n == n1 = False -- | otherwise = True -- Example data ------------------ -- unify test --t1 = Triple x1 (Term (Uri uri1)) x2 --t2 = Triple x3 x4 (Term (Uri uri2)) --x1 = Term (Vari ("X1", 0, [])) --x2 = Term (Vari ("X2", 0, [])) --x3 = Term (Vari ("X3", 0, [])) --x4 = Term (Vari ("X4", 0, [])) --uri1 = "http://test1" --uri2 = "http://test2" --t3 = Triple (Term (Uri "lloyd")) (Term (Uri "lecturer")) -- (Term (Uri "csc3030")) --t4 = Triple (Term (Uri "csc3030")) (Term (Uri "content")) -- (Term (Uri "haskell")) --t5 = Triple (Term (Uri "csc3030")) (Term (Uri "content")) -- (Term (Uri "prolog")) --r1 =(Triple x1 (Term (Uri "teaches")) x3, -- [Triple x1 (Term (Uri "lecturer")) -- x2, Triple x2 (Term (Uri "content")) x3]) --q1 = [Triple (Term (Uri "lloyd")) (Term (Uri "teaches")) x4] --q2 = Triple (Term (Uri "csc3030")) (Term (Uri "content")) x4 --q3 = Triple x1 (Term (Uri "teaches")) x3 --db = [(t3, []), (t4, []), (t5, []), -- r1] pa1 = "Subject/@//@/" ++ "" ++ "/@/Object/@/" ++ "/@/" -- test loadObjectList pa2 = "Object/@//@/" ++ "/@/_verb/@/Object/@//@/http://gn/@/Subject/@/" -- test loadPropertyList pa3 = "Verb/@/:member/@/" ++ "/@/Object/@/" ++ "/@/" ++ "_subject/@/Verb/@/:test/@/hp:test/@/" ++ "Object/@/:ok/@/ok:ok/@/" -- test AnonSet pa4 = "AnonSet/@/Subject/@/_T1/@/_T1/@/Verb/@/a/@/rdf:type/@/Object/@/agg:Company" ++ "/@/" ++ "_subject/@/Verb/@/agg:corporateHomepage/@/" ++ "" ++ "Object/@//@/" ++ "" ++ "" ++ "MegaCorp Inc./@/MegaCorp Inc./@/_subject/@/Verb/@/agg:owner/@/" ++ "" ++ "/@/agg:gn/@/EndOfSet/@/" -- test embedded sets pa5 = "Set/@/Set/@/Subject/@/:t/@/:t/@/Verb/@/:v/@/:v/@/Object/@/:o/@/:o" ++ "/@/Subject/@/:t1/@/:t1/@/Verb/@/:v1/@/:v1/@/Object/@/:o1/@/:o1/@/" ++ "EndOfSet/@/Verb/@/:v2/@/:v2/@/Object/@/:o2/@/:o2/@/EndOfSet/@/" -- constants -------------------- -- the unloaded database db = [] -- the unloaded list of prefixes plist = [] -- the unloaded list of variables varlist :: Globals varlist = [] verbose = True an = AtomNull swaplog = "" impliesURI = swaplog ++ "#implies" varURI = swaplog ++ "#forAll"