module Hash where import "Array" import "Utils" -- principle of the dictionary -- hash of a string = integer part of -- ((ord(char1) * ... * ord(char2))/500)*5 -- This leaves the first 4 entries unused; -- five entries are reserved for each hash-value; -- when four are filled in extra space is reserved ; -- the fifth entry points to the extra space (second entry -- of the tuple; the string part is nil.) -- 1000 places are reserved for extensions; -- for a maximum number of atoms 3500. -- The index is a string; the content type is generic. -- Author: G.Naudts. Mail: nthentry = 5 dictSize :: Int dictSize = 3500 modSize = 500 data Content a = Content a|CNull type Dict a = Array Int (Content a, String, Int) type ParamArray = Array Int Int params :: Array Int Int params = array (1,b) [ (i,0)| i <- [1 .. b]] b :: Int b = 10 -- show element n f1 n = intToString(params1!n) -- set element 5 to 1 where params1 = params // [(5,1)] dict :: Dict String dict = array (1,dictSize) [ (i,(CNull,"",0)) | i <- [1 .. dictSize]] initDict :: ParamArray -> ParamArray initDict params = params4 where params1 = params // [(1, 2520)] -- entry 1 is begin of overflow zone params2 = params // [(2, 3500)] -- entry 2 is array size of dict params3 = params // [(3, 500)] -- entry 3 is modsize for hashing params4 = params // [(4, 5)] -- entry 4 is zone size f2 = show (ord 'a') -- result 97 hash :: String -> Int hash "" = -1 hash s |bv1 = -1 |x < 0 = fromInteger(x + modSize) |otherwise = fromInteger x where x = ((fromInt(hash1 s)) `mod` modSize)*nthentry + 1 bv1 = x == -1 -- hash1 makes the product of the ordinal numbers minus 96 hash1 :: String -> Int hash1 "" = 1 hash1 (x:xs) = (ord x) * (hash1 xs) * 7 -- Next Int = gives the first entry of an overflow zone -- Oflow indicates an overflow zone has to bee created data Entry = Occupied|Free|Next Int|OFlow|Full -- put a string in the dictionary -- format of an entry = (content, String, Int). -- Steps: 1) get a hash of the string -- 2) read the entry. There are four possibilities: -- a) The entry is empty. If it is the nth-entry (global constant) -- then an extension must be created. -- b) it is an available entry: put the tuple in place. -- c) The content = CNull. This is a reference to another zone. -- Get the referred adres (the int) -- and restart at 2 with a new entry. -- d) The string != "". Read the next entry. putEntry :: String -> Content a -> Dict a -> ParamArray -> Dict a putEntry s content dict params = putInHash index content 0 dict params where index = hash s n = 0 putInHash index content n dict params = case entry of Full -> dict OFlow -> putInHash oFlowNr content 0 dict1 params1 Free -> dict2 Occupied -> putInHash (index + 1) content (n + 1) dict params Next next -> putInHash next content 0 dict params where entry = checkEntry index n dict params n1 = 0 oFlowNr = params!1 -- begin of overflow zone dict1 = dict // [(index,(CNull,"",oFlowNr))] oFlowNr1 = oFlowNr + 5 -- store updated begin of overflow zone params1 = params // [(1,oFlowNr1)] dict2 = dict // [(index, (content, s, 0))] -- check the status of an entry -- The first int is the array index; the second int is the index in the zone; -- if this int is equal to the zonesize then overflow. checkEntry :: Int -> Int -> Dict a -> ParamArray -> Entry checkEntry index nb dict params |index > params!2 = Full |next == 0 && nb == zoneSize = OFlow |next == 0 = Free |next /= 0 && nb == zoneSize = Next next |next /= 0 = Occupied where zoneSize = params!4 (_,_,next) = dict!index -- next gives index of overflow zone -- get a content from the dictionary -- get a hash of the searched for entry. -- read at the hash-entry; three possibilities: -- a) the string is found at the entry; return the content -- b) next index = 0. Return False. -- c) the index is greater than the maximum size; return False. -- d) get the next string. getEntry :: String -> Dict a -> ParamArray -> (Bool, Content a) getEntry s dict params = readEntry index s dict params where index = hash s readEntry index s dict params |bool == False = (False, c) |bool == True = (True, c) where (bool, c) = checkRead index s dict params -- check an entry for reading and return the content checkRead :: Int -> String -> Dict a -> ParamArray -> (Bool, Content a) checkRead index s dict params |bv1 = (False, CNull) |s == s1 = (True, Content a) |next == 0 = (False, CNull) |otherwise = checkRead next s dict params where (Content a, s1, next) = dict!index bv1 = index > params!2