Material Testing toolboxes


Weathering, Lightfading and Climate Testing

For prediction of service life or determination of shelf life the predominant environmental factors (T, %rH, light, ozone) and their cyclic changes are simulated in laboratory test chambers according international standards (ISO, IEC, ASTM, …) or custom test protocols. Various Xe-arc and fluorescent lamp (UVA and daylight) based instruments are available for weathering and accelerated light fastness testing. Thermal stability testing is conducted according to accelerated Arrhenius test schemes including the eventual effect of humidity. We offer “all-inclusive” services for qualitative or quantitative determination of material and coating degradation, including both non-destructive characterizalion (visual judgement, photographic documentation or instrumental colour and gloss assessment) as well as mechanical testing after aging. In addition, detailled failure analysis down to micron scale is possible via advanced chemical analytial methods. We actively participate in several ISO and IEC working groups for material testing and with that background we also offer consulting in translation of accelerated weathering results into envisaged use cases including correlation of accelerated results with those observed in natural weathering.

Mechanical testing

Mechanical testing assesses the tensile properties of materials as well as the resistance of surfaces, coatings and layered material against scratches, abrasion and adhesion failure. Special tests, such as bending fatigue, vapour sorption, measurement of layer swelling or scratch resistance with various tool in wet or dry conditions are available, also in combination with certain process chemicals. Tests are conducted acoording to international standards (ISO, IEC, ASTM, …) or in line with custom procedures, which aim at sumulating specific use case conditions. Several methods are available as “high throughput” versions.


Weathering, Lightfading and Climate Testing

  • Stability testing (service life and shelf-life): light, climate (T/%rH) and ozone, continuous or cyclic, according to international standards and custom test protocols (test sequences)
  • Arrhenius Analysis
  • Consultancy: translation into use case conditions (service life time)
  • Consultancy: correlation of accelerated and natural weathering
  • Consultancy: advanced failure mode analysis

Mechanical testing

Screening of coated or layer material for typical properties such as adhesion, swelling, curing, scratch resistance, chemical resistance, abrasion resistance, static and dynamic friction, optical properties, dynamic vapor sorption (DVS), tensile and flexible resistance


  • Weathering, Lightfading and Climate Testing
    • Xe-arc weathering test chambers
    • Xe-arc light fading units
    • UV-testers
    • Fluorescent light caroussel in climate chamber
    • Climate cabinets up to 800 l for static and cyclic testing
    • Ozone test chamber
  • Mechanical Testing
    • Friction testing (custom made)
    • Micro-Swelling (custom made)
    • Vapor sorption (SGA, VTT)
    • Tensile, flexible and friction testing at normal and elevated temperatures (Instron 4469)
    • Adhesion testing
    • Linear scratching tester (Erichsen)

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